Massage Services

Spa Experiences

Massage Experiences

Extra Touches

  • Dynamic Cupping 15 min. Ι $45

    You can add this with extra time or incorporate it into your appointment for $20. Dynamic cupping therapy combines traditional therapy with Myofascial Release. Through the process of rhythmic alternation of suction and release, blood circulation will speed up and the recovery process can move faster. Your therapist may still use some static or flash cupping, but the primary technique used at Healing Touch Spa is Dynamic Cupping.

  • Ashiatsu 15 min. Ι $45

    You can add this with extra time or incorporate it into your appointment for $20. Ashiatsu is a massage technique that involves the application of the practitioner’s feet, rather than the hands or arms, to a patient’s body. In Japanese, ashi means foot, and atsu means pressure; so it literally translates to foot pressure. During an Ashiatsu massage, therapists use their bare feet to deliver deep compression, long gliding strokes, and/or assisted stretching.

  • Dry Brushing 25 min. Ι $80

    This treatment is not well-known, but once you experience it you will be a Dry Brush enthusiast! The Boar brush used during your session is yours to take home – to continue using and reaping the benefits!