A technique that focuses on pain from myofascial tissue
25 min. Ι $89

Myofascial (my-o-FASH-e-ul)(MFR) release is a technique that focuses on pain from myofascial tissues — the tough membranes that wrap, connect and support your muscles, bones and your organs. Myofascial release works specifically with the connective tissue (fascia) using slow, sustained pressure on targeted areas of fascia that surround your muscles and bones.
This pressure helps to release the restriction in the connective tissue so that you have greater range of motion and less pain. It is often used to treat chronic pain.
25 mins – $89 | 40 mins – $110 | 55 mins – $131 | 70 mins – $155
85 mins – $194 | 100 mins – $226 | 115 mins – $271